International Organisation

International Monetary Fund (IMF) - Direction of Trade Statistics (DOTS)


The Direction of Trade Statistics (DOTS) presents the value of merchandise exports and imports as disaggregated according to a country's primary trading partners. Area and world aggregates are included in the display of trade flows between major areas of the world. Imports are reported on a cost, insurance, and freight (CIF) basis and exports are reported on a free on board (FOB) basis - with the exception of a few countries. (Missing or unavailable data has been replaced by estimates). Monthly and quarterly data are available starting from 1960 (annual data are available starting 1947).

Imports and exports Trade Yearly Global
Type of Resource

International Labour Organization (ILO) - LABORSTA


ILOSTAT is a database operated by the ILO Department of Statistics which has data and metadata on labour statistics for over 200 countries or territories. The databases cover household income and expenditure statistics, economically active population, employment, unemployment, employment (or labour force) by detailed occupational group and sex, obtained from population censuses or labour force surveys, comparable employment and unemployment estimates, public sector employment, hours of work, wages, labour productivity and costs, labour income and inequality, social protection, the informal economy, as well as information on youth, women, migrant workers and volunteers.

Labour/employment Daily Monthly Quarterly Yearly Global
Type of Resource

International Grain Council (IGC) - Grains and Oilseeds Index (GOI)


The International Grains Council (IGC) is an intergovernmental organization that seeks to further international cooperation in grains trade; promote expansion, openness and fairness in the grains sector; and contribute to grain market stability and to enhance world food security. Grains, rice and oilseeds market conditions are monitored on a daily basis and made available through daily reports and web-based information services. Data monitored includes market information (price index) as well as export prices of grains (wheat, maize, barley, soyabeans, rice) and oilseeds, global supply and demand, freight rates, and five-year global projections.

Grain Yearly Global
Type of Resource

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)


FAOSTAT provides access to over 3 million time-series and cross-sectional data related to food and agriculture, including data on crops, fertilizers (by product), food supply, forestry production and trade, land use, live animals, livestock primary, production indices, and food security indicators. FAOSTAT contains data for 200 countries and more than 200 primary products and inputs in its core data set.

Food and agriculture Daily Yearly Global
Type of Resource

Bank for International Settlements (BIS)


The Bank for International Settlements provides economic and financial indicators, incuding banking statistics, debt security statistics, derivative statistics, global liquidity indicators, credit statistics, debt service ratio, property prices, consumer prices, exchange rates, central bank policy rates, payments and financial market infrastructures.

Financial Daily Weekly Yearly Global
Type of Resource

UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) - INDSTAT


The INDSTAT database of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) contains time series data on employees, establishments, output, value added, wages and salaries for the period covering 2007 - 2011. The data are arranged at the 3- and 4-digit level of ISIC (Revision 3) pertaining to the manufacturing sector, which comprises 151 manufacturing categories.

Employment Wages Quarterly Yearly Global
Type of Resource

World Health Organization (WHO)


The World Health Statistics of the World Health Organization (WHO) present the most recent health statistics for WHO Member States, including cause-specific mortality and morbidity, demographic and socioeconomic statistics, health equity monitor, health service coverage, health systems, mortality and global health estimates, risk factors, and selected infectious diseases.

Health Daily Monthly Quarterly Yearly Global
Type of Resource

UN Statistics Division (UNSD) - Gender Info


Gender Info 2007 is a global database of gender statistics and indicators on a wide range of policy areas, including: population, families, health, education, work, and political participation. It can be used by governments, international organizations, advocacy groups, researchers and others in need of statistics for planning, analysis, advocacy and awareness-raising. Users will find in Gender Info an easy-to-use tool to shed light on gender issues through customizable tables, graphs and maps. It is an initiative of the United Nations Statistics Division, produced in collaboration with the United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF) and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).

Gender Yearly Global
Type of Resource

UN Statistics Division (UNSD) - Environment Statistics Database


The Environment Statistics Database of the UN Statistics Division (UNSD) contains selected water (e.g. intern flow, precipitation, fresh wat, wastewater, total population supplied by water supply industry) and waste (e.g., hazardous waste treated or disposed, hazardous waste recycled, waste incinerated, waste generated) statistics by country. Statistics on water and waste are based on official statistics supplied by national statistical offices and/or ministries of environment (or equivalent institutions) in countries in response to the biennial UNSD/UNEP Questionnaire on Environment Statistics. They were complemented by data on EU and OECD member and partner countries from Eurostat and OECD. The online database includes data starting in 1990.

Water, waste Yearly Global
Type of Resource

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) - ODA and Debt Relief Data


The database provides data on grants or loans to countries and territories on the DAC List of official development assistance (ODA) and to multilateral agencies which are: (a) undertaken by the official sector; (b) with promotion of economic development and welfare as the main objective; (c) at concessional financial terms (if a loan, having a grant element of at least 25 per cent). In addition to financial flows, technical co-operation is included in aid. Grants, loans and credits for military purposes are excluded. Transfer payments to private individuals (e.g. pensions, reparations or insurance payouts) are in general not counted.

Official development assistance Yearly Developing economies Donor countries
Type of Resource