
International Labour Organization (ILO) - LABORSTA


ILOSTAT is a database operated by the ILO Department of Statistics which has data and metadata on labour statistics for over 200 countries or territories. The databases cover household income and expenditure statistics, economically active population, employment, unemployment, employment (or labour force) by detailed occupational group and sex, obtained from population censuses or labour force surveys, comparable employment and unemployment estimates, public sector employment, hours of work, wages, labour productivity and costs, labour income and inequality, social protection, the informal economy, as well as information on youth, women, migrant workers and volunteers.

Labour/employment Daily Monthly Quarterly Yearly Global
Type of Resource

Google Covid-19 Community Mobility Reports


Community Mobility Reports aim to provide insights into what has changed in response to policies aimed at combating COVID-19. The reports chart movement trends over time by geography, across different categories of places such as retail and recreation, groceries and pharmacies, parks, transit stations, workplaces, and residential.

Traffic & Mobility Daily Monthly Yearly Global
Type of Resource

GDELT (Global Database of Events, Language and Tone)


Monitors the world’s broadcast, print, and web news from nearly every corner of every country in over 100 languages and identifies the people, locations, organizations, counts, themes, sources, emotions, counts, quotes, images and events driving our global society every second of every day. Since 1 January 1979. The dataset provides a summary of global online news media coverage relating to the user's search. The summary is updated every 15 minutes.

News & Social Media Minutes Daily Monthly Yearly Global
Type of Resource

World Health Organization (WHO)


The World Health Statistics of the World Health Organization (WHO) present the most recent health statistics for WHO Member States, including cause-specific mortality and morbidity, demographic and socioeconomic statistics, health equity monitor, health service coverage, health systems, mortality and global health estimates, risk factors, and selected infectious diseases.

Health Daily Monthly Quarterly Yearly Global
Type of Resource

Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach


The dataset provides container counts for the Port of Los Angeles dating back to 1981. Container counts for years 1981-1994 are provided in calendar year totals only; monthly breakdowns prior to calendar year 1995 are unavailable. Fiscal year totals from 1999-2021 are available.

Shipping/Port Data Monthly United States
Type of Resource

OECD Consumer Confidence Index


Provides information on consumer sentiment based on both the general economic situation and the financial situation of the individual or family. The information collected in consumer opinion surveys is qualitative (respondents were asked to assign qualities (opinions), rather than quantities, to the variables of interest).

High Frequency Economic & Financial Indicators Monthly OECD Members Non-OECD BRICS Costa Rica Indonesia
Type of Resource

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, FRED database


FRED is an online database consisting of hundreds of thousands of economic data time series from scores of national, international, public, and private sources. It offers a host of economic data such as GDP, inflation rates, interest rates, unemployment rates, federal funds rates, consumer price index, etc.

High Frequency Economic & Financial Indicators Hourly Daily Monthly Yearly United States
Type of Resource