
UN Statistics Division (UNSD) - Gender Info


Gender Info 2007 is a global database of gender statistics and indicators on a wide range of policy areas, including: population, families, health, education, work, and political participation. It can be used by governments, international organizations, advocacy groups, researchers and others in need of statistics for planning, analysis, advocacy and awareness-raising. Users will find in Gender Info an easy-to-use tool to shed light on gender issues through customizable tables, graphs and maps. It is an initiative of the United Nations Statistics Division, produced in collaboration with the United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF) and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).

Gender Yearly Global
Type of Resource

UN Statistics Division (UNSD) - Environment Statistics Database


The Environment Statistics Database of the UN Statistics Division (UNSD) contains selected water (e.g. intern flow, precipitation, fresh wat, wastewater, total population supplied by water supply industry) and waste (e.g., hazardous waste treated or disposed, hazardous waste recycled, waste incinerated, waste generated) statistics by country. Statistics on water and waste are based on official statistics supplied by national statistical offices and/or ministries of environment (or equivalent institutions) in countries in response to the biennial UNSD/UNEP Questionnaire on Environment Statistics. They were complemented by data on EU and OECD member and partner countries from Eurostat and OECD. The online database includes data starting in 1990.

Water, waste Yearly Global
Type of Resource

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) - ODA and Debt Relief Data


The database provides data on grants or loans to countries and territories on the DAC List of official development assistance (ODA) and to multilateral agencies which are: (a) undertaken by the official sector; (b) with promotion of economic development and welfare as the main objective; (c) at concessional financial terms (if a loan, having a grant element of at least 25 per cent). In addition to financial flows, technical co-operation is included in aid. Grants, loans and credits for military purposes are excluded. Transfer payments to private individuals (e.g. pensions, reparations or insurance payouts) are in general not counted.

Official development assistance Yearly Developing economies Donor countries
Type of Resource

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) - Analytical Database on Individual Multinationals and Affiliates (ADIMA)


The ADIMA dataset includes 500 of the world's largest multinational enteprises (MNE), providing information such as where MNEs are located, how they operate, and where they pay taxes. The data is broken down according to four components: 1) a physical register offering a comprehensive view of each MNE and its subsidiaries, 2) a digital register showing all websites belonging to each MNE, 3) indicators providing harmonized data the global level, and 4) monitoring data identifying events like large company restructurings that can give early warnings of potential significant impacts on trade, GDP and FDI data.

Multinational enterprises (MNE) Yearly Global OECD Members
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Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) - AMNE (Activity of Multinational Enterprises)


The AMNE database presents detailed data on the activities of foreign affiliates in OECD countries (inward and outward activity of multinationals). The data indicate the increasing importance of foreign affiliates in the economies of host countries, particularly in production, employment, value added, research and development, labor compensation, exports. AMNE contains 17 variables* broken down by country of origin (inward investment) or location (outward investment) and by industrial sector for a large number of OECD countries. AMNE is based on data reported to OECD and Eurostat in the framework of annual surveys on the activities of foreign-controlled enterprises and foreign affiliates abroad controlled by residents of the compiling country (2005 - 2016).
*The 17 variables include: Number of enterprises, Number of persons employed, Turnover, Number of employees, Production, Value added at factor cost, Personnel costs, Gross investment in tangible goods, Gross operating surplus, Exports of goods and services, Imports of goods and services, Intra-firm exports of goods and services, Intra-firm imports of goods and services, Total intramural R&D expenditure, Total number of R&D personnel, Technological payments (inward only), Technological receipts (inward only).

Multinational enterprises (MNE) Yearly OECD Members Costa Rica Lithuania
Type of Resource

Observatory of Economic Complexity


The Observatory of Economic Complexity (OEC) is an online data visualization and distribution platform focused on the geography and dynamics of economic activities. The OEC data is predicated on both an Economic Complexity Index (ECI) and a Product Complexity Index (PCI). The ECI predicts important macroeconomic outcomes, including a country's level of income, economic growth, income inequality, and greenhouse gas emissions. It has also been estimated using diverse data sources, such as trade data, employment data, stock market data, and patent data. The PCI measures the complexity required to produce a product or engage in an economic activity.

Macro economic indicators Yearly Global Regional
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International Monetary Fund (IMF) - Climate change Dashboard


The IMF's Climate Change Dashboard has multiple cross-border indicators that explore CO2 emissions related to production in one country and determine how much CO2 emissions are used to satisfy demand at home and abroad. It takes into account decisions made by multinational companies on where they locate their operations. These indicators include 1) CO2 emissions embodied in trade, 2) trade in environmental goods, 3) trade in low carbon technology products, and 4) several factors related to emissions resulting from direct investment.

CO2 emissions Environment Greenhouse gas emissions Yearly Regional Country specific
Type of Resource

International Telecommunications Union (ITU) - World Telecommunication/ICT Indicators Database


ITU's World Telecommunication/ICT Indicators Database is the main source of global, and internationally comparable, telecommunication/ICT statistics. It includes time series for more than 140 indicators and around 200 economies. The data are collected directly from telecommunication regulatory agencies and/or ministries and national statistical offices by means of an annual questionnaire, and subsequently verified, harmonized and complemented by ITU. The statistics are used to track and benchmark the information society, to monitor the digital divide and to identify market potential and investment opportunities. Statistics available include fixed-telephone subscriptions, mobile-cellular telephone subscriptions, and percentage of individuals using the internet.

Telecommunications Yearly Global
Type of Resource

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, FRED database


FRED is an online database consisting of hundreds of thousands of economic data time series from scores of national, international, public, and private sources. It offers a host of economic data such as GDP, inflation rates, interest rates, unemployment rates, federal funds rates, consumer price index, etc.

High Frequency Economic & Financial Indicators Hourly Daily Monthly Yearly United States
Type of Resource